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Many beginner amateurs start off with a VHF/UHF handheld FM transceiver (or more recently) one also featuring digital voice modes. Experiences with this shape their view of what
VHF/UHF frequencies can do. That is a reliance on repeaters and local communications unless an internet link is involved. Later on they may get on the HF bands to work longer
distances. Others may have started on HF, remained with this as their first interest and only got VHF for local FM contacts. People in both groups have missed out VHF/UHF SSB and the experience of their attributes.
These videos have been collated to indicate what is possible on 6m, 2m and (to a lesser extent) 70cm SSB. All involve contacts with low power and basic antennas. Yet the distances
achieved often exceed that normally achieved on FM, even with repeaters.
Why is this so? The first thing is that per watt SSB is more efficient than FM. This is because of SSB's narrower bandwidth and the characteristics of FM which make it great when
signals are strong but less readable when signals are weak.
Secondly (on average) SSB operators have better stations, antennas and equipment than average FM operators. It's not true in all
cases but many FM operators only need to access repeaters and talk locally on simplex. A small improvement to antenna gain will often go unnoticed. Whereas SSB operators who work
direct to each other, often over extended distances, will notice even small increases in gain. The combination of a taller mast and substituting a small beam for a vertical will
increas your singnal by 10dB on a band like 2 metres. Another 10dB gain is possible by increasing power from (say) 30 to 300 watts. That's good but if you combine that with a distant
station who likewise improves their antenna and output power by similar amounts then there's a massive improvement in signals between the two stations.
And I haven't even factored in other upgrades such as lower loss feedline, masthead preamplifiers, portable locations or modes even more efficient than SSB such as CW and the increasing
family of digital modes used on VHF/UHF.
Facets of VHF/UHF SSB vary and can include DXing, contesting, local nets, satellite communication, experimentation, antenna work, aircraft enhancement, EME (moonbounce) and more.
Activity is not always immediately apparent but if you listen and tune around long enough as well as familiarises yourself with local patterns you will find it.
Video demonstrations
These videos show what's possible with VHF and UHF SSB with low power and modest antennas. In all cases I'm running 5 watts or less. Antennas used have included small loops on 6m
and, on 2m and 70cm, dipoles or small beams. In no case am I transmitting from great heights. Some contacts have been made pedestrian mobile. Typical ranges for this are 30 to 100km, with
over 2000km occasionally possible on 6 metres during sporadic E openings.
VHF/UHF Field Days (mostly 2m SSB)
2m SSB portable results in response to an alert that the band was open
Pedestrian mobile 2m and 70cm SSB
Equipment and antennas
I've used a Yaesu FT-817 as this suits my style of portable work. Larger 'All-in-one' HF/VHF/UHF transceivers typically include at least 6 and 2m SSB.
You may find late 1970s/1980s era monoband but usually multimode transceivers available cheaply at hamfests. These have fallen out of favour since
multiband transceivers became cheaper and more common but can still perform well. Video below shows a no-frills IC-202 picked up at a recent hamfest.
What about handheld transceivers for SSB? Until recently the answer was they didn't exist (discounting one or two rare 1980s models). However a Quansheng UV-K5 can be made to operate on double sideband (which is fully compatible with SSB) with third party firmware. The price is unbelieveably low (~ US$ 30) and it's a good beginner choice (especially if you have someone to help with the initial programming). While this has limitations with its weak front-end you can still communicate well with SSB operators on 2m and 70cm as demonstrated below:
Antennas vary greatly in size but even a small beam (eg 3-6 elements on 2m, 6-10 elements on 70cm) is enough to get you started. Simple antennas good for VHF/UHF SSB are described on my antennas page.
Operating is quite different to both HF and VHF/UHF FM/repeaters.
If you were to turn on at a random time, the chances are that you will hear no one at all. In many areas there is activity but it's harder to find than on
HF. It may be heavily based on nets and regular operating periods during the week. For example here in VK3 we have:
There may also be aircraft-enhancement activity on weekend mornings and other spontaneous activity. So you're pretty much guaranteed activity on most days if you're around at the right time.
To improve your chances, familiarise yourself with beacons, calling frequencies, local field days and nets including looking up club newsletters, joining
social media groups and searching the web. And not to mention old-fashioned tuning around and asking people you work.
More tips in
A VHF/UHF Primer.
Books by VK3YE
Ham Radio Get Started (USA)Australian Ham Radio Handbook (Aust) More Hand-carried QRP Antennas 99 things you can do with Amateur Radio Getting back into Amateur Radio Illustrated International Ham Radio Dictionary Make your Passion Pay (ebook writing)
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