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Tips and Tricks for the uBitx multiband SSB transceiver

The uBitx (aka Micro Bitx) is a low cost easily built HF transceiver designed by Ashar Farhan VU2ESE. It's an ingeniously designed multiband HF CW/SSB transceiver built on a circuit board approximately 15 x 15 cm. It's closely related to its predecessor, the 7 MHz only Bitx.

A key difference between the transceivers is that while the Bitx is single conversion (IF 12 MHz, VFO 5 MHz), the uBitx is dual conversion. The first IF is 45 MHz while the second IF is 12 MHz. This extra conversion made adding bands easier. Other differences include the use of two IRF510s in the final (instead of one) and the much larger number of relays and toroids due to the multiple bands covered.

Like the Bitx, you need to spend about 1 or 2 hours of soldering to get it on the air. The main work involves soldering the leads to the power, antenna, microphone, key and other sockets. You probably also want to enclose it in a nice case (not supplied) and use a microphone different to the insert supplied (although this is perfectly good). Then there's the modifications. Again like its simpler relative, the uBitx has spawned numerous modifications and software revisions. There are also now whole blogs and websites devoted to uBitx modifications. These can help you customise your uBitx or get extra features and performance from it.

You can order a uBitx (or Bitx) from HF Signals page.

Before ordering visit Ubitx.net to learn what others have done with the uBitx. This page is full of information, ideas and modifications submitted by builders from around the world.

I also recommend the Bitx 20 email list/forum to read about others' experiences with all different versions of the Bitx (and uBitx). You can also join and ask a question. Or you can just browse and read what others have written.

The main uBitx Facebook groups is at BITX40 and uBITX QRP Radio Kit.

The videos below document my experiences with the uBitx.

Adjusting the BFO on the uBitx transceiver

Testing the uBitx transmit audio modification

Quick and dirty uBitx AM broadcast breakthrough reduction

A BCI receive filter for the uBitx (with no toroids or SMDs)

A simple case for the uBitx transceiver and other projects

RF actuated LED Tx indicator for the uBitx and other QRP rigs

A wet string SSB QRP experience on 80m with the uBitx transceiver

Crossing the Pacific with a uBitx on 7 MHz

Note that some of my Bitx videos also apply to the uBitx.


Visit the Bitx 20 email list and forum to read about others' experiences with all different versions of the Bitx/uBitx. You can also join and ask a question.

Next steps

As a result of assembling your uBitx you may find yourself hooked on QRP and portable operating. Further information on progressing this interest further is contained in my Minimum QRP and Hand-carried QRP antennas books. These are available in both electronic and paperback form (some countries).


Disclosure: I receive a small commission from items purchased through links on this site.
Items were chosen for likely usefulness and a satisfaction rating of 4/5 or better.


Books by VK3YE

Ham Radio Get Started (USA)

Australian Ham Radio Handbook (Aust)

Hand-carried QRP Antennas

More Hand-carried QRP Antennas

99 things you can do with Amateur Radio

Getting back into Amateur Radio

Minimum QRP

Illustrated International Ham Radio Dictionary

Make your Passion Pay (ebook writing)


All material on this site
(c) Peter Parker VK3YE 1997 - 2024.

Material may not be reproduced
without permission.

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